Anne Lear

Anne Lear - Foundation Governor

My name is Anne Lear, and I was appointed as a Foundation Governor at St John’s Junior School in 2024.

I am married to my husband Jonathan, and we have two sons aged 24 and 26 both of whom attended St John’s infant and junior schools. I have been a member of St John’s parish all my life and attended both infant and junior schools. In 2004, I became a Parent Governor at St John’s infant school when our eldest son first started at the school. I was subsequently appointed as a Foundation Governor, serving for 9 years, and was privileged to serve as Chair of Governors for 2 years.

During that time, I was part of a dedicated and committed team of both governors and staff from both schools that set up and developed the 'Before and After School Club’ provision we have today.

I am a registered general and mental health nurse and currently work as a specialist community public health nurse as a health visitor in Liverpool. My role includes supporting vulnerable children and families, safeguarding, working with multi agencies and assessment of child health and development. I also support and promote parental mental and emotional health and well-being.

I also volunteer for a national mental health charity. I enjoy the outdoors in particular trekking/hill walking at home and abroad and am a keen cyclist and committee member of a local cycling group.