Pupil Performance and Attainment
Pupil Performance and Attainment
at St. John’s Junior School
Assessment, Progress and Results
We are very proud of the achievement and progress of the children in our school.
Ordinarily, we would provide you with an overview of the results of children taking end of Key Stage 2 SATs. However, due to the global Corona Virus pandemics, national assessments have not been able to be completed due to school closures both in 2019-2020 and 2020-2021.
In the absence of up to date data, please see below historical data. Up to date information will be provided, as soon as possible.
Outcomes Key Stage 2
The percentage of pupils achieving Age related Expectations (ARE) and Greater Depth(GD) at the end of KS 2
Pupil Progress
Junior Schools
It is recognised from national data that pupils at junior schools, on average, have higher attainment scores at the end of key stage 2 than pupils at other primary schools. However, on average, they also have lower progress scores. This may be for a variety of reasons and should be taken into account when comparing their results to schools which start educating their pupils from the beginning
of key stage 1
Performance Tables
Information about School Performance tables can be found on the Government's website using the following links: