Mission Statement, Values and Objectives
Mission Statement, Values and Objectives
Our Mission Statement is:
“Love one another as I have loved you”
It is taken from St John’s Gospel chapter 13 verse 34. St John the Evangelist is our patron saint and this statement guides us to serve our school and our community with love and respect as Jesus taught us.
Our School’s Core Values
Faithfulness to God and the church.
Compassion for others.
Integrity in our decision making
Respect for all
Our Objectives
Christ Centred Objectives
To live out and embody the values and traditions of the Catholic Church.
To develop our children’s understanding of and relationship with God
To prepare our children to become caring, responsible and respectful Christian members of society.
To develop our children’s religious education through The Way, the Truth and the Life programme.
Education Objectives
To have the highest possible expectations and aspirations of each other; recognising and developing our uniqueness and individual talents.
To provide a broad, balanced, innovative and challenging curriculum that is relevant to the needs of our children.
To instil and develop in our learners our thinking and learning powers of enquiry, resilience, creativity, reciprocity, knowledge acquisition, reflection, resourcefulness and care for others and the world around us.
To ensure that all children reach their full potential through effective teaching and learning.
Community Objectives
To empower all to be responsible and conscientious stewards of our local, national and global environments.
To develop partnerships with parents and our parish community to help us achieve our mission statement.
To ensure everybody, without exception, has the opportunity to succeed and feel part of our school family.
To provide a happy, safe and healthy environment where all feel secure, listened to and respected.