Special Education Needs and Disability
at St. John’s Junior School

St John’s Catholic Junior School is a happy caring school that values the contributions of all, to grow together to achieve excellence and success.

If you need to contact us regarding further information, you can contact our school SENDCO Mrs S Dutton who will assist you.

Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

 The Children’s and Families Act 2014 forms the basis of our School Offer, consisting of information for Parents/Carers of children who have Special Education Needs or a Disability and all of those who support children with additional needs. This information outlines the support and provision they can expect to receive whilst attending this school.

Consideration is also taken of the Single Equality Act 2010 and of the SEN Code of Practice 2014.

 We at St John’s Catholic Junior School believe that every child is a unique gift from God with his or her own special gifts. We embrace the fact that every child is different and, therefore the educational needs of every child are different – this is certainly the case for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.  It is the aim of this school to identify and assess the specific needs of any child and to give him/her the support, love and encouragement to the best of our ability, with an education that meets their needs. As a Catholic school, our commitment to Christ’s ministry and to the uniqueness of each individual places us in an ideal position to respond with imagination and sensitivity to the specific needs of the children in our care.

 The principles of the school’s Mission Statement are fully integrated into our Special Educational Needs and Disability provision. By this, we aim to maintain an inclusive learning environment in which all pupils feel happy and secure and to provide a quality of special needs provision that will enable them all to reach their full potential. 

 From time to time, some children require additional support to help meet their needs and/or improve Through consultation with Parents/Carers and School, we will discuss a variety of factors including academic progress and any further assessments or interventions which need to be carried out by teaching staff and other professionals so that they can fully access the curriculum effectively. As part of our support for all children in school, we have regular opportunities to consult with other support services, including health agencies to ensure that children have a smooth transition into school and are supported effectively when going their learning. through significant changes in their life.