Pastoral Care & Wellbeing
Pastoral Care and Wellbeing
at St. John’s Junior School
At St John’s RC Junior school we encourage everybody to treat each other the way they want to be treated themselves. To treat everybody with respect regardless of colour, gender, physical appearance or capabilities.
We encourage them to take responsibility for their own behaviour and the effect it has upon others, as well as teaching them strategies for managing difficult situations.
We try to foster a caring atmosphere and have a positive attitude to discipline. We expect from the children a high respect for other people and their belongings.
If a problem arises, we always work together, in close consultation with our parents/carers to resolve any difficult situations.
We have developed a positive behaviour policy which entitles all children to Golden Time to reward good behaviour. This takes place on a Friday afternoon where children can choose and enjoy their own special activities.
Here at St John’s Juniors, we recognise the importance of good mental health and well-being. We understand the impact poor mental health can have on our children and their whole family system. We are aware that if a child is struggling emotionally within any area of their lives then this can create a barrier to learning, making it difficult for children to thrive both in education and within the home environment. Our belief is by working therapeutically with parents/carers and the children, a deeper understanding of their needs are met and empowerment is created.
Within our team at St John’s Juniors, we have a support worker called Tina Forster. Tina works with children and creates bespoke interventions and strategies. Tina offers 6 sessions of one to one emotional support and will also work with parents/carers if required. Tina is experienced in referring to other services for support if necessary, to ensure our families are receiving the emotional support needed for themselves and their children. Tina also offers lunchtime support and runs a “pop-in” club where children can socialise in a quiet space.