at St. John’s Junior School

“PE makes every child stronger and every life longer.” 

(Sir Steve Redgrave)

The school has adopted the National Curriculum for P.E. as defined by the Department for Education.

The National Curriculum for P.E. aims to ensure that all pupils: 

  • Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities;

  • Are physically active for sustained periods of time;

  • Engage in competitive sports and activities;

  • Lead healthy, active lives.

P.E provides the opportunity for all children to develop their own physical competence, lifting personal confidence and self-esteem. Each child is encouraged to participate in high-quality P.E lessons providing a wide range of physical experiences.

The aim of P.E is to provide stimulating, enjoyable and appropriately challenging learning experiences. To support excellence in P.E through promoting healthy lifestyles, engaging in competitive activities and developing determination to excel in a broad range of activities.

The children have opportunities to try out a wider range of activities through clubs which are led by experienced staff.