Religious Education

Religious Education
at St. John’s Junior School

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” 


As Catholics, we believe that Religious Education is not one subject among many but the foundation for the entire educational process. The beliefs and values it communicates should inspire and unify every aspect of school life.  It should provide the context for and substantially shape the school curriculum and offer living experience of the life of faith in its practical expression. Religious Education is not only communicating knowledge – it is educating for a way of life which is Christ centred.

RE is taught throughout the school from the National Programme “The Way, Truth and the Life”, which is recommended by the Shrewsbury Diocese. Although RE occupies a specific slot on the weekly timetable, its development continues through assemblies and other liturgical celebrations, and it influences every aspect of school life. It follows that daily collective worship has always been at the centre of school life. Children are encouraged to be responsible, participate and lead in this reflective experience. Traditional prayers and hymns are used as well as prayers written by the children.  The school takes an active part in Church liturgy, with the celebration of Mass, assemblies and special services to which parents and governors are invited to attend. Children are prepared for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion, which are celebrated in Year 3. 

We respect the beliefs of others within our community and across the year, the children are introduced to different religions and cultures. We are also very proud to have been awarded the National School Of Sanctuary Award.

We aim to provide the very best Catholic education for our pupils. St John’s Catholic Junior school is a learning community underpinned by a Catholic ethos based upon Gospel values. We aim to celebrate the uniqueness of every child, enabling each to reach his or her potential spiritually, morally, academically and socially.

We strive to achieve this aim through the general and prayer life of the school, as well as Religious Education.

You can read more about our methods, policy, aims, targets, and much more in our religious education overview below.