at St. John’s Junior School

“Happiness is when you feel good about yourself without feeling the need for anyone else’s approval”

(Action for Happiness)

Relationships and Health Education is compulsory in all primary schools. To ensure continued coverage of this and of our PHSE in school, we have chosen to incorporate the Jigsaw programme into our curriculum alongside Life to the Full a fully resourced Scheme of Work in Relationships and Health Education for Catholic primary schools. 

Our children enjoy learning through ways, which promote their emotional well-being, social skills and spiritual development. 

SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) development opportunities are mapped throughout, helping children to know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in the world. Jigsaw and Life to the Full also contribute to the British Values agenda very significantly, both through the direct teaching of information and through the experiential learning children will enjoy.

Our curriculum for PHSE and RSE aims to ensure all pupils:

  • Understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle.

  • Understand how to stay safe and behave online.

  • Develop responsibility and independence within school which will be taken forward into society and into working lives.

  • Respect other people, in particular, learning to respect the different cultural/ethnic/religious/gendered viewpoints of others in our school community and the wider world.

  • Understand what constitutes ‘socially acceptable’ behaviour at school and in society.

  • Be a constructive member of society.

  • Understand democracy.

  • Develop good relationships with peers and adults.

  • Develop self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth.

  • Make positive, informed choices as we make our way through life.

  • Understand that we have a right to speak up about issues or events, and to respect others` right to do the same.