Tony Evans

Tony Evans - Foundation Governor

I spent my whole working life in primary education, including ten years as a headteacher in Knowsley. I have taught in several Wirral schools and enjoyed an amazing nine years as StJohn’s “Man Friday”, mainly teaching Year 5. I still involve myself actively in school life on a voluntary basis, assisting weekly in St Joseph’s Primary in Birkenhead and helping with St. John’s school trips, walks to church and transport to matches for football teams. Away from school, I am heavily involved in life at St Michael’s Church, Woodchurch as a reader, member of the Parish Liturgy Team, midweek altar server, collection counter/banker and steward. I am also President of our small but busy SVP Conference. I enjoy gardening, travel and most sports. I play crown green bowls and am a fanatical supporter of Tranmere Rovers, having had a season ticket for almost fifty years and also follow them to many away matches.